As you may have seen, we here at Respawning have been hard at work in rounding up all the E3 content so that you can save time, avoid scrolling through pages and pages of news and find out all the latest in one handy place. So here’s all you need to know coming out of Square Enix’s E3 press conference.
Introducing – Square Enix Music!

Here’s all we know so far..
One of the first things regarding video games that we then heard was that we’d be getting Dragon Quest Builders 2! We also got the first of many Final Fantasy announcements and that was Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is to get the remastered treatment.

The Last Remnant Remastered was then shown off followed by news that Dragon Quest 11 Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition S is to get a Nintendo Switch release. Up next was Circuit Superstars which will be launching in 2020 before the Final Fantasy XIV expansion pack – Shadowbringers was shown off.
Then was the announcement that RPG’s – Romancing SaGa 3 and Romancing SaGa: Scarlet Grace would both be hitting the western market for the first time before the big surprise news that Final Fantasy VIII Remastered is in the works and would be out later this year!

A new shooter title called Outriders was then showcased as well as being shown a little more of Dying Light 2 which is coming next year. More Final Fantasy was of course still to come with the Final Fantasy VII remake getting gameplay footage as well as a 03/03/2020 release date.

Life is Strange 2 was then oddly reflected on before the showcase that a lot of people we waiting for.. The Avengers. There was a trailer made out of in-game footage as well as a May 2020 release date. The footage shown has since been met with mixed reviews but it’s certainly worth checking out for yourself.
So there we have it, everything you could possibly need to know coming out of the Square Enix E3 press conference. Remember to stick around for lots more E3 news and roundups.
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