Although Guardians Vol.2 was my favourite movie in the MCU, Spider-Man will always be my favourite comic book character. He is one of the most wholesome and joyful characters ever. I’d also say it’s fair to call him Marvels top character in their roster. In terms of comic book characters, DC owns the most known ones. If you ask a stranger to name two superheroes, chances are they’ll say Batman or Superman. Marvels most known equivalent was Spider-Man and the X-Men. I’m not a huge fan of X-Men so Spider-Man was always my go to. When he finally swung onto screens in Civil War I was overjoyed. To find out he would get a solo film made me even more excited.
Now when it comes to previous Spidey films I probably share the same views as most. I have a great nostalgic love for the Toby Maguire films, especially Spider-Man 2. I also do not like the Amazing Spider-Man series staring Andrew Garfield. It’s not that I don’t like Andrew Garfield, it’s just the script and the entire rest of the movie was bad. The second was no better either, but he gave it is all despite Sony meddling with their ways. Now looking back at the history of these movies it’s understandable that some would be tired of yet another Spider-Man reboot. However I feel that having him in the MCU was long overdue.
Walking into the movie with my good friends from Uni, we were worried about how this would go down. While I love the Maguire films as a nostalgia freak. The third one wasn’t fantastic and overall the track record hadn’t been great for the character. Saying all this though, walking in and hearing that 60’s theme song play over the Marvel crawl put me right at ease. I will admit I can’t hear that theme without thinking of Spider-Pig, but it’s still a magical moment.
The truth is that Homecoming is one of the best MCU movies set on Earth. It really feels separate to the rest of the MCU in a great way. Reminding us that Peter Parker is literally a 15 year old who is just using his powers to help out the little guy. That’s not to say that it’s completely out of the MCU though, Tony Stark is here as a sort of father figure and it works. A lot of people are probably sick of Tony showing up all the time, but I’ve always preferred his character in ensemble movies. Well except his first movie. These aspects come together to make a very well crafted traditional superhero movie. Beating up some bad guys and taking on a main villain is classic Spidey, and there’s no other world threat for him to deal with.
Tom Holland has also captured exactly what I wanted in a live action Spider-Man. Spidey has always been a really awkward and nerdy kid. His jokes aren’t always meant to land as he tries way too hard to be funny. But that’s what I wanted, because that is exactly what the real Spider-Man would do. Despite being in a movie with the one and only Tony Stark, he manages to steal the show away. He’s just so soft and needs to be protected at all costs. The supporting cast is also surprisingly great. Ned (peter’s best friend) is a funny character and he’ll make you laugh every time he’s on screen. The rest of the cast all generally fill their roles and fit in with the universe.
One surprising aspect for me is how much I loved the vulture. While he certainly not the most iconic Marvel film, he will be on many peoples minds after Homecoming. Every scene with him in feels intense, and actually brings me to one of my favourite scenes. Peter goes to pick up his date for prom where he finds vulture at the door, it’s her dad. There’s just a solid 5 minutes of pure tension, Peter looks and feels so awkward and terrified. Then slowly through the scene Vulture begins to realise that he is Spider-Man leading to very chilling moment in the car.
For me this is one of the most refreshing Marvel films in a long time, and does the job at bringing the perfect version of Peter to the big screen. It gets me back into the spiderman vibes I used to feel as a 12 year old, and makes me want more. I’ll be looking forward to Tom Holland in the Avengers movies, and then later on in a sequel to homecoming. They’ve left a lot to be explored in this movie that will most likely be explored in the near future. They’ve even begun to develop some villains to keep on the watch list until next time. Homecoming is the most fun a Spiderman fan can have in 2 hours. If only it was 4 hours long then I would have gotten all I desired.
Now for me after pressing publish on this article I will be on my way to see Infinity War. I will be keeping up this series in a way of not knowing anything is going to happen so don’t worry about spoilers or anything like that. I just really hope all my favourite characters make it out alive. Please protect Peter especially he is too young and this is a big deal for the entire universe. I’ll see you all after I’ve seen Infinity War as we go through Thor: Ragnarok!