Gregarious Games welcome you to a game like no other — where Churchillian values are pitted against a rapacious band of reptilian reprobates who seek to destroy the world, democracy… and Britain!

Launching on PC, Reptilian Rising is a tantalising turn-based, time-travel tale that sees players rule over the forces of good and evil in an 80s inspired world. Combining a unique claymation style with recognisable faces, players will choose from heroes like Winston Churchill, Cleopatra, a famously clever man with ingenious facial hair and many more as they battle against a three-headed fascist dinosaur, the Tri-Cannon — a triceratops mashed with a minigun, a legion of scaly sociopaths, and just about everything in between. 

Once players have selected their team, they’ll be able to create clones, call in reinforcements — even Caesar is free for a chat (maybe bring grapes?) — and bend the battlefield to their will using game-changing temporal abilities. Join the fight and shape reality as historical figures duke it out against cold-blooded invaders in a battle to decide the fate of all humanity!

All sounds a bit too incredible? Well, check out the three Churchills, as they skillfully combine with a cerebrally-advantaged man with a head of fuzzy hair, on their first mission below. And, remember, teamwork makes the dream work:

For more information, visit the Steam page here, and get ready for this travel through time, space and taste.