by Lance Turner | Mar 27, 2023 | Games
I know that’s a pretty heavy title for a written piece on a website of gaming and entertainment news and reviews. However I think it’s important to talk about depression, luckily it’s something that’s becoming easier to talk about and not...
by Lance Turner | Mar 7, 2023 | Games
Destiny 2’s seventh expansion, Lightfall, is finally here and it brings a lot of new content and features for Guardians. Is it worth it or is it lacking that monumental turning point in the 10 year Light & Dark saga that Bungie has been telling since the...
by Lance Turner | Feb 8, 2023 | Games
Today is a sad day for me. As I write this I’m slowly coming to the realisation that a game I have defended and come to rely on as my go-to feel good game is, in fact, now trash. There, I said it. The Division 2 is now officially a broken mess, inside and out....
by Lance Turner | Jan 25, 2023 | Games
I first knew about Interview with a Vampire thanks to Neil Jordan’s 1994 movie of the same name, starring Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise. I loved the movie and set me on my course of consuming anything Vampire related. Including the 2002 Queen of the Damned movie,...
by Lance Turner | Dec 16, 2022 | Games
It’s that time once again. Destiny 2 has launched a new season. This particular one is the last one players will receive before the next major expansion drops: Lightfall. This season will carry players through December and January up to Lightfall’s release...