This is a good time of year to go back and play those big games that you perhaps missed the first time round, I remember last summer going back to play mad max for example. This summer however i had a game waiting for me – Kingdom Hearts 2. I’d done about 10 hours and put it down when Farcry 5 / God of War came out and i guess taken a long ass break, but now i’m ready, and i have the time to do it with no other distractions. I also went back and finished the secret bosses on KH1. Sora has pretty much my full attention and i’m loving it.
For me it’s also a great time to get back on my VR, i just started bound and i am blown away (write up to come). I also plan to get the Exorcist VR game and the best wave shooter i can find just for some shoot em up fun.
When that summer drought comes rolling in Will goes back to type. I’ll be getting back into a bit of multiplayer this year with games like Borderlands and Overwatch always keeping me busy enough that I never notice the complete lack of new shite on the shelves! Overwatch in particular has been sitting waiting for me to boot up again for a while so I’ve got plenty of new content to explore with new hero Hammond releasing soon meaning there is even more! Plenty to keep my ginger self inside away from the terrifying sunlight.
For me it’s pretty easy, I am Speedy Boi. Speedy Boy needs to race cars, so I’m going to be going back to all the racing games that I haven’t touched in a long time. This includes all of the PSP games I haven’t played in a long time. I’ll also be continuing through my play though if the Assassins Creed games. I’m currently on Revelations, and I can’t wait to move on too 3. I may also be able to finally play Forza Horizon 3 as well.
I think I usually just binge on a ton of Rogue-Likes or replay some old games during the summer. I think two games that defined a single summer for me were Rogue Legacy and Persona 4 Golden. I kinda make it a mission to play those games again in their entirety every summer kinda just fail since that weird addiction to those games aren’t there anymore. Another good thing to do during the summer is to get a bunch of mates together and have a great time with some party games. Mario Kart, Party, Smash. The works y’know?
I’ve got something of a philosophy here: when there are tons of new games out, only play new games. When there’s nothing out, that’s when you go back to old favorites and remasters.
For example, recently most of us have been tucking into Monster Hunter World, God of War, Far Cry 5, and Detroit: Become Human. Those were the kind of games to buy on release, if you were going to buy anything.
But now, there’s a draught. The Steam summer sale exists for a reason: it’s time to pick up older titles and recent remasters you may have missed. It’s time to play the games you didn’t want to pay full price for- be it quality, ethically, length, or just because you had different priorities.
For me, this is to be the summer of ‘Deus Ex: Mankind Divided‘, Because it was too short to justify full price, ‘Shadow of the Collosus‘, because I don’t like supporting the re-release culture and would rather spend lots of money on a new title, and ‘Prey‘, because I missed it the first time around. I may even go back and grab my 600th hour of Fallout 4, or my 1500th of Skyrim.
That, and maybe it’s time for a Nintendo Switch roof party.