Welcome to Respawning’s Film & TV Club! The purpose of this is to get a bunch of us together every Wednesday and allow us the chance to chat shit about whatever takes our fancy in the world of Films & TV!

This week we’re talking about the films we want to see win at the baftas!


I’m trying to think about what really blew me away in the last film year. I’ve managed to miss a lot of good films (still haven’t seen Bladerunner 2049, shape of water or 3 billboards….) so for me it’s kind of tough looking at these absolutely amazing films when i haven’t seen a lot of them!

I’ve seen that baby driver is up for best editing and for me the beginning of the film was really effective and pretty awesome, with the music and the imagery, but after that point it became more of a normal movie with good music, albeit a good one.

Image result for thor ragnarok

I honestly think that comic movies are too overlooked for these awards, justice league for best visual effects right! (lol). But seriously Thor: Ragnarok needs to be nominated for something. The story was ace, the comedy was perfect and the visual effects/action were bloody orgasmic!



I’m on the same train as Javier here wishing there was more recognition for comic book movies. Thor was a hilarious film that kept me smiling the whole way through. However I’m glad to see Get Out getting more of an appropriate appreciation when compared to the Oscars where it got nominated in the best Musical/Comedy category. I noticed Daniel Kaluuya pop up on rising star which made me feel good. Star Wars also popped up in a few places, I wasn’t expecting it to get nominated for much but I believe that best Visual Effects is always a deserving slot for the series. Baby Driver also popping up in Editing and Sound was great to see as while a lot of people aren’t too sure on the movie I’ve always been a fan of Edgar Wrights style and his focus on the music within this movie so that’s something I would like to see recognised.


You would think that as I’m writing in this, I would have seen a few films this year that I think should be nominated for a few things. But that is not the case as I haven’t seen too many films, maybe that’s because I’m a guy with very little money but oh well. For me though the film that I think really needs to win something is a kids film. Cars 3. While the second film took a slightly different direction by putting more of a focus on Mater, Cars 3 returns the focus onto McQueen and what a story it is. With some amazing writing and a couple of scenes in the film that have no purpose other than because it was cool, I think it deserves a win.

Alternatively, I would like to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle be nominated for something after Elton John’s performance taking a good film into something brilliantly funny.



Blade Runner 2049 is the only film I’ve seen this last year that really stuck with me. It’s not often that I go to the cinema and feel changed by the experience but god damn if I didn’t feel like a different person coming out of Blade Runner! If there isn’t some kind of recognition at least for the visuals then there is something wrong the committee and as for Ryan Goslings performance…well i mean it’s Ryan Gosling? Did you expect anything bad? Although Blade Runner was my favorite film of last year I’m sure another gem which should get a few awards is Dunkirk. A war film that does it’s best not to glorify war is hard to come by and as a Historical piece you know you’re on to a winner when after watching you want to go home and learn more about what you’ve just witnessed.