Welcome to Respawning’s Film & TV Club! The purpose of this is to get a bunch of us together every Wednesday and allow us the chance to chat shit about whatever takes our fancy in the world of Films & TV! This week we’re going to be discussing the Golden globes, or more precisely the films it’s missed. We’re talking about what we thought was snubbed at the awards and what deserved more praise.
So read on and don’t forget to tell us your favourites that were snubbed at the Golden Globes in the comments below!
2016 saw the release of 2 of my all-time favorite movies. Those being, The Revenant and Mad Max: Fury Road.
(Guess I’m just a massive Tom Hardy fan, after all). Two very similar films, when you think about it- a minimal plot, stunning visuals, and a quiet, yet powerful protagonist. And yet they feel completely different- where The Revenant is calm, natural, and contemplative, contrasted with short bursts of chaos and anger, Fury Road is explosive, raging, and hot like the fire of an engine. Where ‘The Revenant’ has beautifully executed panning shots that last can last several minutes in places, Fury Road focuses on high-powered action and inspired visual design.
Both were nominated for the Golden Globe that year, and ‘The Revenant’ came out on top. I don’t think that’s so much a snub- they both deserved to win, after all. But if two movies ever deserved to share the best picture award, it was these two. I know that never happens, but I can dream, right?
So this year – the biggest snub for me wasn’t actually in the form of a film but was the grandmaster Tommy Wiseau being snubbed from being allowed to take the mic and give us what could have possibly been the most golden piece of entertainment for all of 2018. I think what got me about this one is that The Disaster Artist is a film about people being snubbed by the industry but a small group of people (and whatever species Tommy is) deciding enough was enough and creating their own film. So it was just strange more than anything that James Franco would stop Tommy from speaking about the film that made his oscar win even possible.
As for my favourite films that I feel should have won awards… now that is a piece all in of itself for me, so what I will do here is do a swift breakdown of each year from 2007 until now.
2007 saw the release of many great films and whilst I certainly cannot argue that Golden Globe winner Babel was a fantastic piece of cinema, this was also the year The Departed was released and snubbed an award. The Departed is possibly the one of the greatest films ever created so I was very saddened by this.
Sweeney Todd took the award home for Best Musical Or Comedy in 2008 which is fine… except for the fact that this is also the year Juno came out which is one of the most important coming of age films of our generation and just a fantastic piece of cinema.
Both In Bruges and Burn After Reading came out in 2009 but the award for best Comedy or Musical went to the ever overrated Vicky Cristina Barcelona which is a crying shame as both these films are in my top 5 comedies of all time.
Avatar took home best drama in 2010. Despite the fact that BOTH The Hurt Locker AND Inglorious Basterds came out this year not to even mention the FANTASTIC Precious.
This was a pretty weak year for films in my opinion so whilst I don’t think any of the films deserved a huge amount of praise, the winners were the best of a mediocre bunch. When Alice In Wonderland is up for a Golden Globe – you know you are scraping the barrel here.
This was the year that Award bait film The Descendants took home best drama despite the fact the incredible Scorsese directed Hugo was also released this year as well as the (Also starring George Clooney) incredible The Ides of March.
At the time, I thought Django deserved the win for best drama over Argo. As time has gone on. I have also realised I was wrong.
The Wolf Of Wall Street not taking home best comedy or musical this year was one of the stupidest decisions made by an awards committee.
I am just happy the incredibly shit Birdman didn’t win in 2015.
See Will’s comment above/
La La land winning over Deadpool? Pull the other one. Why does Hollywood hate superhero movies so much? Whilst not the greatest film ever made Deadpool shifted the whole status of Superhero films into something that allowed us to actually have Logan.
So that brings us to now… I see a lot of hate on Twitter at the moment that “Get Out” didn’t get a win but in my opinion it didn’t deserve the win as I personally think it was super overrated. On this subject – I also feel that Baby Driver didn’t even deserve a nomination this year.
There were no real snubs for me this year, 3 Billboards taking home everything but the kitchen sink made me incredibly happy.
Eh, I didn’t care about the Golden Globes and I barely remember any of the films I saw this year. I just a have a terrible memory I guess. But if Logan and The Big Sick didn’t even get a nomination then that’s a crying shame because those movies were phenomenal. Aside from James Franco pushing Tommy Wiseau off to the side I watched The Killing of a Sacred Deer which was fucking weird. It certainly is one of the more unique films I’ve seen this year and it’s just really really odd. Check it out.
Besides that I’ve started watching anime again after a long time and I’ve recently watched the first episodes of Pop Team Epic and Junji Ito Collection which I was anticipating for a very long time. Pop Team Epic was hilarious but I seriously don’t know how they’re gonna make more episodes of this because it’s just fucking stupid at times. The first episode of Junji Ito Collection was just okay, I was left kinda disappointing but I hope it picks up soon. Besides that I’m going to start watching Devilman Crybaby since I heard that was really good and the guy who did Tatami Galaxy is directing it so that has me excited.
That’s about it for me!
Probably being a bit cheeky and picking favourites here. But Logan was a great movie and probably one of the best I’ve seen all year. Hugh Jackman delivered a very emotional performance, and the movie essentially redefined what we think about super-hero movies. That’s why I wanted to see some appreciation for this, most people are starting to get turned off the MCU and the format. But Logan changes all expectations and delivers a movie about a super hero who is at the end of the road.
Despite this though I was very happy to see James Franco pick up best Actor for the Disaster Artist. That was a movie I enjoyed watching very much and will be watching again as soon as it is available.