In an unfortunate announcement earlier today from Toys for Bob’s Studio Head, Paul Yan, the Spyro: Reignited Trilogy has been delayed from it’s original release date of September 21st, to the new prospective release date of November 13th.
Whilst the reason for this delay hasn’t been specified, the Toys for Bob team did release the following statement, originally sourced from IGN:
“Everyone here at Toys for Bob is so proud to be reigniting the original Spyro trilogy after all these years. We’re deeply committed to getting these games right, so we’ve decided to move the release date of Spyro Reignited Trilogy to November 13, 2018. I really hoped that you would be rescuing dragons and scorching Rhynocs sooner, but the Trilogy needs more love and care. In November when you’re exploring the Dragon Realms, Avalar and the Forgotten Worlds, we know you’ll agree the extra time was worth the wait.”
Activision has also released their own statement regarding the delay, mentioning that they wish for the collection to “not only lives up to fans’ expectations, but our own incredibly high standards.” (Also sourced from IGN)
Whilst it’s good to see that additional care and polish is being invested into the Reignited Trilogy, many fans and gamers are speculating that the reason for the delay is, instead, to remove the risk of the game being buried amongst the other AAA end-of-August and September releases, being a purely financial decision rather than a quality-related one – Time will tell, however, when we get our hands on the final product and see if Activision and Toys for Bob have listened to community feedback!