For those of you that have been keeping up with Respawning’s PlayStation Podcast, you will be aware of the weekly feature were hosts – Javier & myself pick a classic PlayStation title to enter into Respawning’s PlayStation Hall of Fame!
After joining together to induct both PS3’s Heavy Rain and PS1’s Metal Gear Solid, both of us got bored of agreeing so much so decided to change things up!
That’s why for the previous three episodes we now fight it out head to head, as we both bring a classic PlayStation game to the table and argue which game deserves its place in the Hall of Fame.
If you haven’t already listened to the latest episode of Respawning’s PlayStation Pod, then you can listen right now on Spotify, Stitcher and iTunes!
But for those of you who are up to date, you can check out our handy graphic to not only keep track of our Hall of Fame inductees but to also keep track of who has won the most battles between the two fighting hosts!
As already stated, episode one and two featured the induction of 2010’s Heavy Rain by developer Quantic Dream and 1998’s Metal Gear Solid by Konami. And as they were a joint decision, neither of us can claim them as a win. Week 3 had myself defeating my co-host to induct The Last of Us over Tekken 3 but Javier soon got his revenge as his choice of Uncharted 2 got inducted ahead of my choice, Grand Theft Auto (PS1) in Week 4. So who was victorious in the latest head to head battle?
It was between my choice – A Way Out (PS4) vs Javier’s choice – Silent Hill 2 (PS1), so who came out on top?..
That’s right, my co-host has defeated me for the second week running as the legendary Silent Hill 2 gets officially inducted into the Respawning PlayStation Hall of Fame.
Can’t wait to find out which game goes in next? Watch this space as you will be able to find out sooner than you think!