The Epic Games Store is currently under fire over its first sale, with game developers and customers alike displeased. Epic discounted titles without consultation with publishers, and shoppers are frustrated by the lack of a shopping cart feature.
The Epic sale sounds good on paper: Games, including pre-releases, are marked at up to 75% off, with any title over $15 getting a gauranteed $10 off on top. And the developers don’t lose out on this extra $10 discount either – Epic Games is covering that. But the problem in the situation relies not on revenue, but perceived value: Game developers – especially Indie devs – are concerned their games are now devalued in the eyes of the customer.
Supergiant Games have taken steps to preserve the value of their game: With their Early Access title, Hades, dipping from $20USD to $7, Super Giant raised the regular price to $25 in a move to offset the unexpected discount. Some games – like Klei’s Oxygen Not Included – have even been pulled from the store front outright.
And whilst the situation is hitting Indies the most, larger developers and publishers have also been spooked by the surprise sale – Paradox pulled Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 from the store for the period of the sale, but promised that those who did purchase it would have their discounts honoured. Likewise, Gearbox’s Borderlands 3 pre-order listing is nowhere to be found.
On the other side of the coin, shoppers are finding frustration in taking full advantage of the sale – without a Shopping Cart feature on the store front, gamers are having to buy titles one at a time, and due to the multiple separate purchases, many accounts are being flagged as fraudulant as a result. A situation many are finding tedious.
At time of writing, Epic Games has yet to release a comment on the debacle, with it’s Twitter page continuing to only advertise the sale:
Two years before the exodus, Artyom was the last light in our darkest hour…
Metro: Last Light Redux is now available in the Epic Games store – and 75% off during the #EpicMegaSale!
— Epic Games (@EpicGames) May 18, 2019