Now that it’s sunk in that November is here and the year is (swiftly) coming to an end, we take a look at the games we are still excited for, being released, in 2016!

Luke & Ben

This has been coupled up because our top 3 remaining for the year are exactly the same.

  1. The Last Guardian
  2. Final Fantasy XV
  3. Watch Dogs 2

Luke – Unlike everyone else in the world it seems, I quite liked Watch Dogs and I am definitely looking forwards to the sequel. As a huge Final Fantasy fanboy this one is nearing the top of my list, only just beaten by The Last Guardian as I am worried that FF XV may be a flop (Please Square, I beg you).

Ben – The. Fucking. Last. Guardian.



NOTHING! Everything I wanted is already out.

…. Okay Watch Dogs 2!



  1. Pokemon Sun & Moon
  2. Final Fantasy XV
  3. Watch Dogs 2


Not overly excited for much of these (Pokemon not withstanding) but I am hoping that Watch Dogs 2 redeems the franchise in the same way Assassins Creed 2 did for them. I am also looking forwards to seeing what Square Enix can do with 10 years behind them.



  1.  Last Guardian
  2. Pokemon Sun & Moon
  3. Final Fantasy XV

Stay tuned to this article as we find out what more of our writers are excited for this year (eventually)