Yesterday, Chinese studio Lofty Sky Entertainment released the first of their planned “action graphic novels”, Shuyan Saga, onto the Google and Android storefronts. The title had a previous release on Steam late last year, where it is currently on sale to celebrate the release of the mobile ports.
Inspired by Chinese history and mythology, Shuyan Saga tells the story of Princess Shuyan and her quest to master Kung Fu, and protect the Chinese realm’s Five Kingdoms from the invading Guer. But things are not as simple as it initially appears – as she explores the culturally unique Five Kingdoms, she learns that the real enemy may not be who she thinks, and that success may not come in the form she is hoping for…
The title features over 1,400 scenes illustrated by legendary comic artist Daxiong (Justice League, Star Wars, Dark Horse works) and several 3D fights to navigate Shuyan through. Shuyan herself is voiced by Kristen Kreuk (Smallville, Beauty and the Beast), and the game also features the ability to control the narrative through decision making.
The mobile release trailer for Shuyan Saga may be found below.