So, the world is ending(?) due to a virus that seemingly infects everyone and is causing a mortality rate that is through the roof and has the whole world in panic. On top of this the dead seem to be still rising from their grave and you are being hunted by a colossal maniac hellbent on killing you.
No, It’s not Coronavirus it’s the remake of the 2nd best Resident Evil game:
Resident Evil 3!
It’s no secret around Respawning that the Remake of Resident Evil 2 is my favourite game of the past few years but I honestly didn’t expect that Resident Evil 3 would get the same treatment but I am so ready to have my pants scared off of me all over again by Nemesis stalking me throughout the city.
I also think the current timeline we are living is the PERFECT time to release another Remake for a Resident Evil game, we are obviously going through the Coronavirus crisis at the moment and having the ability to combat a virus directly throughout a city to prevent the spread of it and end it for good in the city will be the perfect catharsis to fight the isolation blues we are all currently facing because of our own t-virus outbreak.
With everything on Lockdown throughout the world as well, it will be super cathartic to fight my way through the locked down Raccoon City and I plan to cathart my way through this period of isolation by doing just this and having a blast.
Also, having played the demo for the game I can just confirm that this is going to be brilliant. In the short space of time I had with the demo I had an absolute blast that threw me right back to my glory days of playing Resident Evil in the dark in my bedroom at my mum’s and crapping my pants in the best way possible.
I know some people will complain that Resident Evil Threemake is coming out at the worst time given the events of the world but I hope you reconsider and take it as catharsis in this messed up world that we are all having to live through at the moment.
And stay the hell indoors.