This week my favourite Reddit thread has been discussing games that started well but turned to absolute trash by the end. So many games fit this criteria but my personal pick is Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. What had been a solid game for dozens of hours disintegrated in quality following the big mission 31 Sahelanthropus fight with rinse and repeat tedious missions copy and pasted from earlier in the game, purely to pad the runtime.
Konami did franchise creator, Hideo Kojima, so dirty with this, and fortunately paid the price by releasing Metal Gear Survive not long after, with absolutely no involvement from Kojima. The game flopped, Konami were ridiculed, forcing them to retreat from making console games for several years. Their return with the recently announced remake (sigh) of Silent Hill 2 remains to be seen whether they will be re-emerging triumphantly or to a cacophony of fart sounds. Time will tell on that front.
Which video game do you think most fits this criteria? Let me know in the comments or head over to Reddit to join in the discussion!
Written and edited by Taylor.
Original Reddit post by u/Sanddancer86