We’re back with yet another instalment of Respawning’s Let’s Talk series, where every Friday we get every one of our charismatic writers together to discuss a new topic! It’s no secret that at this time of year there isn’t much to get excited about when talking video game releases. So with that in mind, we thought we’d take this quiet opportunity to all get together and discuss which games we’re most hyped for when the Summer lull finally passes. Sit back, relax and Let’s Talk: Which game are we most excited for after the Summer lull…

I want to say The Last Of Us Part 2 but I can’t even say for sure whether we’ll see that before the next Summer lull! I do think we’ll have it by the end of the year or early next year at the latest but not knowing the release date has definitely numbed my excitement just a little bit. I was also considering talking about Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order but don’t want to steal Will’s thunder. So I’m going to go with the game that’s closest to release and that’s The Dark Anthology – Man of Medan.
I LOOOOOOOOVED Unitl Dawn. It was a perfect mix of corny teen horror and option based narrative that ticked all the boxes for me. So needless to say I am beyond excited for Supermassive Games’ next outing – Man of Medan. It looks like it’s going to be another glorious cheesy horror fest and the fact they’ve also added co-op muliplayer solidifies this as a game I am now counting down the days to play.

Well, it isn’t actually Summer where I am – Australia – so it’s hard to say! 😛
In all seriousness, though, I would probably say Astral Chain, and possibly the upcoming port of Monster Rancher that was announced. Assuming the later heads West, of course.
Astral Chain looks like a really fun spectacle fighter typical of PlatinumGames, the studio behind Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Plot wise, it’s a little bit like Final Fantasy: Spirits Within. In the near future, a meteor hits Earth, and strange wormholes to another dimension begin to randomly appear. In order to escape the threat of the invisible, spirit-like Chimera that invaded through these holes, humanity retreated inside a mega-city known as The Ark. But after a few years, wormholes are starting to appear there, too – and so it’s up to you, a police officer with a special task-force that uses neutralised Chimera.
Ok, maybe it’s basically a rip-off of Spirits Within. Still, it looks promising!

This year feels weird because I’m not itching to get to Q4 the way I usually am, I think the only game I’ll get on release day will be Star Wars: Fallen Order as that looks totally insane and generally speaking SW games are always fun. I really think this has the potential to be one if those ‘games of the generation’ or ‘best game of the franchise’.
Next to that I’ll definitely be checking out the new Doom at some point as the last one was so goddamned good – The other 2 that have piqued my interest which are Greedfall and Bio Mutant but I probably won’t be playing these until I’ve completed the other 5 RPGs on my slate…

After this Summers’ game drought ends I’m torn between my hype for two games. The Outer Worlds and Jedi: Fallen Order. As The Outer Worlds is an Obsidian game it is likely the game will launch with a plethora of bugs and glitches so it won’t be a day one purchase for me, though I’m excited to play it a few weeks down the line once any launch issues are fixed.
Fallen Order on the other hand will absolutely be a release day buy. My holiday request for the week it launches is still pending (I’ll get a new job if need be) but I definitely cannot wait to play this incredible looking game. I loved Cameron Monaghan in Gotham and cannot wait to see him playing a more straight faced character, and as a big fan of The Force Unleashed games it will be nice to get back to a game that lets you indulge in your use of the awesome Force powers.

I am super excited for The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening’s Switch remake. I looks soooo adorable and I absolutely LOVE Zelda games. I am curently working my way hough the back catalogue on my 3DS. I love the art style for Link’s Awakening, it’s super cute and it incorporates the Mario style enemies so well. I’m really excited to see how it plays!

So it’s nearly that time of year, the time of year when all the big name companies push to get little Timmy the latest and greatest of video games. Wallet vacuums aside though, summer looms ever present, and with it, hopefully not an early game drought. I’m sure there’s plenty of titles happy to come to the shelf in February or later, but I honestly can’t think of any off the top of my head. The new Ghost Recon game perhaps, Cyberpunk 2077, Whatever EA is working on – I’m sure I’ll find something to get excited about come post Christmas (Aussie life)…

What game am I looking forward too? Huh I wonder? I mean it’s not like I haven’t been mentioning it in every article I’ve done since it was announced… Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. It’s no secret that I’m pretty biased about the goings on in a galaxy far far away, but it’s also no secret that when it comes to games the franchise has had way more hits than misses. The series hits the mark so often that it might as well be Luke nailing wamp rats in his T-16!
Because of that history my hopes are pretty high that this new canon story will envelop me like a warm embrace from a wookiee. The combat looks interesting with a very God of War vibe which, as anyone who played the 2018 game will remember had some of the tightest fight mechanics in years. Plus… You get to be a fucking Jedi. How much more clear do I have to make that people?! Grab your ‘saber and take the fight to the empire in September!

The next few months are an odd one, for sure; we have games like Cyberpunk, Monster Hunter: World Iceborne, Gears 5 and many more… But in all honesty, I’m quite excited by the looming presence of Borderlands 3 – Shady Epic Games Store shit aside, I know I’ll be buying this day one for my PS4.

“There’s been a fair few controversies surrounding this game. Epic store exclusivity. A shitty CEO. Sued YouTubers. Thank God that none of them affect the product themselves. Borderlands 3 looks to be the ultimate version of a formula I adore. A fabulous art style finally designed for the new generation from the ground up. Four fantastic characters with personality and mechanics that thrill. An expanded world that finally opens up the narrative potential of the franchise. This is gonna be good.
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