505 Games and Remedy Entertainment will make Control available to players on Steam for PC for the first time with Control Ultimate Edition, launching digitally worldwide on Thursday, August 27 packed with the original award-winning game and all expansions, including the forthcoming AWE expansion, at the supernatural price of £29.99.

Control Ultimate Edition will become available on PC from the Epic Games Store and digitally for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles on Thursday, September 10 followed by a physical retail release for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One at a later date. Players who purchase Control Ultimate Edition for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One will automatically receive a complimentary next-gen optimized version of Control Ultimate Edition when transitioning to PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X.

Players and fans can join Remedy Entertainment’s Creative Director Sam Lake and Control Game Director Mikael Kasurinen live on Twitch tomorrow Thursday, August 13 at 5:00 pm. BST where the two will offer an exclusive first look at the opening 15-minutes of AWE gameplay and explore the award-winning studio’s approach to storytelling, touching upon the “Remedy Connected Universe”. Follow Remedy on Twitch for live updates at www.twitch.tv/remedygames.