I must have sounded like the most negative and whiny gamer for the last year when it came to talking about new video game releases, but finally we’re in the clear and the future is bright again! I will always remember 2024 for just how forgettable it was, ironically, when gaming as an industry stalled progression for twelve months and released next to no games I found even mildly interesting. I stand by previous statements that 2023 is the best year of gaming ever as far as I’m concerned, and I am pleased to report that its reign looks likely to be short lived, as to refer to 2025 as s t a c k e d is a criminal understatement.

I didn’t write an article for five games I was looking forward to for 2024 because there simply were none, but now as I start to compile the list for 2025, I simply cannot get the final figure below ten. Hell, it could have been a top fifteen, if not twenty, but I realise I’m already pushing my luck with posting this as a two parter, so let’s crack on.

To get the big one out of the way first, of course Grand Theft Auto 6 should be on this list, but as every gamer with a pulse is excited for that game (and if you’re not, I have bad news about your pulse) I have omitted it purely to talk about other games which might not yet be on your radar.

10) Death Stranding 2: On The Beach

You need only watch the gameplay reveal trailer for Death Stranding 2 once to be overwhelmed by the quantity of questions it generates in your mind, even if you played the original. Death Stranding was one of my favourite games that released in 2019, and I spent hours driving resources around the map to build roads and ziplines. Self-imposed busywork aside, while the story and early hours of Death Stranding didn’t really land for me, once the game clicks, it really clicks.

I am hoping for nothing other than more of the same in its sequel, and although I think it has the most beige and uninteresting sounding subtitle of all time, only a game made by the pedigree of Hideo Kojima can bring me back around to wanting to check it out.

9) DOOM: The Dark Ages

I loved DOOM 2016 but absolutely detested DOOM Eternal. With that in mind, and because the gameplay shown so far looks as frantic and gory as I could ever hope for, I am convinced I will continue to have a love / hate relationship with the series; strongly hoping for the former when The Dark Ages drops this year!

8) The Midnight Walk

The Midnight Walk is a highly intriguing looking game coming from the development team behind Lost in Random, also an intriguing looking game. I never finished the latter because of its profoundly dull, repetitive combat, but what kept me coming back was its deeply interesting world building. I talked to every NPC I met during my time with the game, listening to their hardships and expanding my knowledge of the weird world I found myself in.

The Midnight Walk looks to continue with this idea, and I can’t wait to play it when it releases at some point in 2025.

7) Forza Horizon 6

The only as yet unannounced game of my top ten, I wanted (and needed) Forza Horizon 6 to be announced and released in 2024 but it was not meant to be. Now I have my fingers doubly crossed for 2025 to be the big year marking the return of the Horizon festival on Xbox Series X.

I honestly have no preference as to the setting for the sixth Horizon game, but recent whispers have implied it will at long last be heading for a frequently requested locale. I know a lot of long term fans are expecting Japan but personally I think and hope it will end up being either Canada or South Africa. Only time will tell and I’m itching to find out!

6) Crimson Desert

The main reason I chose to split this ranking into a two parter is because I simply can’t not talk about Crimson Desert. Looking like a seamless blend of open world exploration and spectacular combat, a winning combination in my book, Crimson Desert is the type of game which seems to have been made with me in mind.

I admit I was more than a little disappointed at the recent trailer confirming it will not be released until Q4 2025, which now has me thinking it could likely be a 2026 release instead. I’ll always prefer a polished game to a rushed release, so take all the time you need I say, I’ll be busy enough with every other release!

What games are you most looking forward to from 2025? This is only the lower half of my list, so keep an eye out for my top five ranking out later this week. In the meantime, thanks for reading and I’ll catch you then!

Written and edited by Alexx.

Liberty Lives in the Execution.