IT’S LIST TIME AGAIN FOLKS! This time however, I have decided to step away from video games a little bit and rank my favourite albums of the year! Remember, these are my personal preferences and there is not a way to please everyone.
If your favourite album of 2019 isn’t on this list, let me know because I may not have heard it and I am ALWAYS on the hunt for new music.
Okay here we go!
I HATED this album when it first come out and I genuinely wondered what the hell Bring Me The Horizon were playing at. A far cry from their previous hardcore and post-hardcore albums which I loved – However, the more I heard it the more I began to like it, until eventually it became one of my favourite albums to put on in the car.
I have ultimately put it in my top 10 because I will always commend an album that tries to do something completely different to what they’ve done before.
I know a lot of people have a lot of hatred towards Bastille, and I never really understood it; to this day they remain one of my favourite bands I have had the pleasure of seeing live.
Doom Days is one of those albums where I can only really listen to if I am in the right mood, but when I am in that mood it hits the spot absolutely perfectly.
Yes, Hideo Kojima got me into Low Roar. With “I’ll keep coming” featuring on the first trailer, Low Roar was a band that I fell in love with almost instantaneously. The soft vocals of Ryan Karazija hit me in the feels every single time I hear any single song from this album.
It is my delight that Death Stranding features a lot of Low Roar as well, so huge shoutout for that game.
This is one of the albums of 2019 that I have actually not listened to very often. I don’t really know why, because when I do I realise it’s definitely one of my favourites of the year, and really hits that “Hipster Hop” vibe I am after sometimes.
Tyler The Creator is easily one of the best Hip Hop artists working at the moment, and everyone needs to listen to Igor.
WHAAAAT? Ed Sheeran is on my TOP 10 Albums of the year and not in the bottom 10? You heard it right my absolute beauties, because this album goes back to what made Eddy Sizzle great in the first place.
No.6 allows our boy Ed to throw back and flex his creativity once again instead of the same cut and paste, boring love songs that have propelled him into international fame over the past years. Absolutely love this album.
FINALLY we got another Slipknot album worthy of the band’s legend. We Are Not Your Kind is brutal on all the right levels, and features some really hard hitting material from start to finish.
Corey Taylor really shows that he can still absolutely bring the fury when it’s necessary, and this album is one that is going to make your ears bleed in the best way… Just listen to it.
Easily the weirdest album on this list by a country mile. My wife has described some of these songs as “just noises from a crazy person”, and whilst she is a completely wrong and doesn’t understand the pure majesty of Bon Iver, I can understand why she may think this.
I,I released as a utter surprise to me in 2019 as a followup to one of my top 10 albums of the year way back in 2016 – ’22, a million’, and hits the weirdness levels with some pure easy listening vibes that delivers everything I wanted as a followup.
This album man, this one just hits me in the feelings every time I listen to it. I pop this one on when I need to focus, when I’m feeling a little sad or when I just need to reflect on my life and feel really good. The National encompass everything I need from acoustic music, and delivers to me on all levels.
I only really got into The National in 2019 when this album released but it quickly jumped up my list of artists I listen to on the regular and for this reason I am putting I Am Easy To Find so high up this list.
Did I say Bon Iver was the weirdest album on this list? I may have lied to you guys a little bit, because the Untitled album by Rammstein does in fact exist, and is on the list. Everything that has come off the back of this album so far in 2019 has been all levels of bat shit crazy, from the mental translated lyrics through to crazy Nordic music videos. 2019 has been a great year for the German band could have been my favourite album of 2019 very easily… If one other thing didn’t come out at the very beginning of the year…
This album is the one I have listened to most throughout 2019. I had this album on when I was sat at my desk (got it on as I write this), I’ve had it on when I was driving and I even had it on in the gym. I somewhat missed the hype of LetLive when they were in their prime, but FEVER333 has genuinely made me feel like I was missing out so thanks to this Album LetLive also became one of my favourite bands ever in 2019 as well.
So there we have it, what a great year for music 2019 has been. As I say, I am always on the hunt for new music so if you have anything I need to wrap my ears around then please hit me up!
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