We’re back with yet another instalment of Respawning’s Let’s Talk series, where every Friday we get every one of our charismatic writers together to discuss a new topic.
Over a week has now passed since the highly anticipated release of Avengers: Endgame – The climax to Marvel’s 22-movie ‘Infinity Saga’… So with the majority of us here at Respawning having seen it multiple times and having a week to reflect on this giant epic, we thought what better time to get us all together to discuss our final thoughts on the film? So sit back, relax and Let’s Talk: Our thoughts on Avengers: Endgame.
Will J
Well obviously, it’s a 10/10; that goes without saying. But what got me about ‘Avengers: Endgame’ wasn’t the spectacle, or the humour, or the plot – This film was a triumph in understanding characters. Every line of dialogue, every subtle action, every plot point tied perfectly into 22 films’ worth of character development – Be it Korg playing Fortnite because he’s an asshole enabler friend or Happy promising little Morgan Stark “all the cheeseburgers you want”, this movie drips passion from every detail.
Taken alone, it’s a pretty good movie, maybe 7/10… But because of this attention to detail, the tiny micro-acknowledgements of films past and lessons learned, the movie transforms into the most cathartic and emotional journey I’ve been on in a film. And it was in a cheesy superhero movie. This is what happens when art is made by those who love their creation, who love the mediums of cinema and comics, when you get actors who know and define their characters – Downey, Hemsworth, Evans, Johannsen, Brolin, and all the rest brought their A-game. Passion triumphed.
To an outsider, this film could have seemed so camp and unfulfilling; but to us MCU fans, ‘Endgame’ was a gift. Thanos is my Darth Vader. Tony Stark is my Luke Skywalker. I saw the first ‘Iron Man’ aged 10 and I saw the Endgame when I was 21. Growing up alongside these movies has been a cultural privilege, and they ended it perfectly.
If you’ve been keeping up to date with events here at Respawning then you will already know my thoughts on this absolute glorious masterpiece of a movie but if not you can read my review here and listen to Javier & myself’s spoiler review here. You can also listen to me rave about it once more right now!
Having seen Avengers: Endgame three times now and having over a week to reflect on it my thoughts haven’t really changed… I still think it’s without a doubt the best comic book movie I have ever seen and I’ve seen a lot in my time! Hell I think it’s my all time favourite movie ever! What this film did better than anything else in history is fan service. As I said in my review, Kevin Feige and the Russo Brothers aren’t here to try win fancy awards or please snobby movie critics… They’re out to please us fans because at the end of the day, they’re one of us and what they’ve done with Endgame is nothing short of spectacular! Every character moment meant something, every story beat felt important and the way it all came to a head in the final act is something that I have never experienced in the cinema before and likely never will again. Though the events of Endgame had me in tears, I can happily say I feel blessed to have lived through these 22 MCU movies and will continue to keep them alive by rewatching them over & over and hopefully passing them down to future children and grandchildren as will millions of others for years to come.
Marvel Studios, you did it… Take a bow lads.
I simply want to say thank you to the Russo brothers for this astounding masterpiece, fuck me sideways can it get any better? No it can’t. I did very recently write a whole article that you can check out here. Most of my thoughts are here but as the guys are saying, so much of the greatness of this movie simply comes from how they tie up the MCU as we know it and end what will probably go down as the greatest comic movie run of all time. Thank you time gods for putting me in a timeline where this perfection exists. I’ve seen it twice and plan to see it twice more before it leaves the cinema. This film is amazing!!!
I don’t really have many profound thoughts on Endgame… Bar that I absolutely loved it. I was crying all the way through even at bits you’re not meant to cry at… Because what a monumental end to something that has been about as I was entering my adult life. For me I went from Harry Potter to Marvel, and now both are finished and moving into their new stages. I’m sure I’ll love the future of the franchise but I just can’t help being sad… So I’m gonna just say what I found the funnest bits of this film and that is the Hulk. I love the Hulk; he’s my favourite, so seeing smart Hulk pretending to be dumb cracked me up so much. Then to move back and see past Hulk raging at the stairs!!! Just oh my gosh, same old Hulk…
When any long-term relationship comes to an end, you’re left with a sour taste. I did enjoy Endgame but I was just left with an overbearing emptiness. Like anyone who has been obsessed with the MCU, I too spent time wondering what was going to happen and how everything was going to end and honestly, it met those expectations. We went into the movie knowing that someone wasn’t going to be coming back to reprise their role and it turns out we’re losing two. The story has been tied up for some of the characters and there is room for more to develop and expand in their own respective storylines. Hopefully, Disney + will deliver with all of the spin-off stories it has to tell but now that my favorite characters have departed I don’t know what’s left.
Moving forward, to get my superhero fix I’m going to be putting all my attention onto Spiderman and Guardians of the Galaxy 3 which will hopefully include Thor. Actually, fuck it. Just reboot Blade with Wesley Snipes. I don’t care anymore about other characters. Give. Me. Blade.
My knowledge of the MCU is extremely limited, due to the fact that I’ve only seen Iron Man 1, 2, The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Dr Strange and Spider-man Homecoming… As a result, I’ve unfortunately not given a single shite about Infinity War or Endgame… But given that the full saga is complete, now may just be the perfect time for me to jump into this wild ride…
Endgame for me is the culmination of 10 years of pure hype and whilst I refuse to break the Russo Brothers’ spoiler ban, I will say that after 10 years of hype, Endgame delivers for me in the purest form. I laughed, I cried and everything in between. Endgame for me isn’t just the best marvel film. Its one of the best films ever made.
I’m currently on the tail-end of writing an article summarising my thoughts, so consider this a sneak-peek to my thoughts: The movie is good, and a neat love letter to the franchise as a whole, but there’s a few issues here and there, especially in regards to the plot.
Will A
Endgame was an experience and a half wasn’t it?! There hasn’t been that much fluid in my pants since I my holiday to Amsterdam. Anyway, after going over the details and a couple of rewatches I’ve realised what that film did best. Although Ronin / Hawkeye says “don’t give me hope”; that’s exactly what the movie does best. All the heroes are in a terrible space at the start of proceedings, only to all find hope and renewed purpose by the final act. Particularly interesting was Thor. A man suffering from depression and PTSD, its interesting to see him coping like most people would by turning into a recluse and seeking solace in the bottle. To watch as he gradually comes to terms with the events before finally stepping up after some encouragement from his mother was great to watch and humanised maybe the least human member of this team!
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