In a stream earlier today, Square Enix announced that Dragon Quest Builders 2 is currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
In the gameplay shown in the footage below, we can see the new abilities related to underwater exploration – with swimming mechanics like diving showcased along with high-altitude waterfalls! You can glide with a cloak and there’s also a dash and slide button. The world maximum and minimum height have both been improved by 3 blocks – meaning you can build bigger and better things!
A brand new feature to the game is 4-player cooperative multiplayer. Previously, you were only able to share plots online, but here, you’ll actually be able to build a world together!
You can check out the new gameplay direct from the official livestream below, which highlights all the new features and the evolution from the last game!
In celebration of the ‘Dragon Quest Builders 2’ announcement, the previous title ‘Dragon Quest Builders’ will also be on sale from August 7 to August 14. PS4/Vita both 20% OFF, PS Plus members get 40% OFF.
What do you think about Dragon Quest Builders 2? Did you enjoy the last game?
Let us know in the comments, and stay tuned for more news about this title!