In our newest regular feature, we’re all going to talk about the things we love and what we’ve been playing in the hopes we can possibly inspire some gaming adventures of your own; hell, it may not even be about gaming! As the days get colder and shorter we find out what games our team have been cosying up to…

This month, I’ve been mostly playing Anthem.
…And I blame Luke for that! Following on from his and Will’s “Anthem, is it good yet?” series, I thought I’d give it a go. I was hooked. The only downside to this addiction? The VERY poor ending to the campaign storyline. On the plus side, Destiny 2: Shadowkeep is out now! And with EGX on the horizon their may well be other titles I’ll be having a bash at…

In truth not much has changed since last month… As I said then I am now a proud owner of a PS4 Pro and I’ve been doing my above banner proud by continuing to replay through The Last of Us which looks spectacular with those sweet Pro enhancements. I did expect to have TLOU finished by now so I could move on to Days Gone but with it being September, those end of year releases started to flood in thick and fast starting with Man of Medan which I played through twice and reviewed in the video below…
FIFA 20 quickly followed which in a surprise to absolutely nobody started to eat up all my time! And to top it off I’ve also been trying to squeeze The Witcher 3 in where I can as well! Outside of gaming I’ve mostly been watching my beloved New Japan Pro Wrestling while patiently waiting for AEW to start up their weekly show. Oh and I even got my ass out to a live NJPW show, look at Kazuchika Okada… Isn’t he magnificent!

Add the inevitable poor start to the mighty Villa’s season and that’s my September summed up!

Well I’ll be honest September was a thrilling month for me and video games. Firstly I caved in and bought Fifa and started a career battle with Mikey, I was asked to review The Surge 2 (which is really good) and I started Bloodborne again but I actually like it this time. I feel like I actually have started to catch up on some gaming which has been kind of neglected this summer whilst I’ve been moving house and just enjoying summer so I’m a pretty happy guy!
I also finally finished watching Mad Men which was thoroughly good throughout and definitely worth the watch, watched the newest series of Peaky Blinders which I feel has lost it’s legs a bit and saw Romesh Ranganathan live who was hilarious! All in all a good September!

This month has been a bit all over the place for me! I’ve been playing Overwatch, as always, and claimed Bastion’s adorable Lego skin. I feel they should add previous challenge exclusives into an event, or make them rotate every few months for those that missed out.
I’ve also been playing Stellaris. My xenophilic, militarist, egalitarian hyena people (using a mod from the Workshop) have been doing well – Not yet the largest group in the galaxy, but we’re building slowly but surely. The game is in a good place at the moment, in regards to tweaks – And although it’s a different experience from what launched, it’s still a pretty amazing game.

There’s also Dead by Daylight, which I’ve really gotten into. My feeling on the title are largely the same as last I mentioned the game, though I might be a bit more lenient on the Hex: Ruin (if only a little). Definitely a quality 1v4 worth checking out.

For me, I’ve been split entirely into two halves – The first being a side of blood and flesh… Blasphemous took up the majority of my early September, slicing and dicing my way as The Pertinent One throughout Cvstodia… However, after that, I was reunited with an old, familiar friend…
… My second half of September, cloaked in steel. Cold, cold steel. That’s right! Whilst I can’t say anything about The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3, I’ve been pumping an inhumane amount of hours into the third iteration of my new JRPG sweetheart after having played through Trails of Cold Steel 1, and a fair whack of Cold Steel 2; however this is much to the dismay of Luke who will have to wait until release to experience the third part of this legendary series! Sorry bud!

SO what have I been playing this month?
Well, my usuals, Warframe, belting out the Emissary Nightwave event, and farming up the new Atlas Prime release. I’ve also been playing a lot of Battlefield 5, been having a blast sniping with the panzerbuche, can’t wait for the new maps to drop.
Besides that, I’ve been playing a lot of Steep to mellow out, and some little indie loves of mine. Tooth and Tail an Armello to be specific… And quite a bit of Absolver as well, all great games in their own right and games I love to death! Though I have been eyeing up ReadySet Heroes but I’m not sure if I’ll be nabbing it yet.

This month I finally got round to starting Final Fantasy IX for the first time, and I’ve been totally hooked on it. The characters, story and setting are all great but the music totally steals the show every time I visit a new area, or even just when a battle starts. I’ve just reached Burmecia and am excited to (hopefully soon) get my party back together, as my play style always relies heavily on a white mage.
I’ve also rediscovered the joys of Star Wars: Battlefront 2, and the newly added co-op rounds against waves of brainless AI has made me feel like a real Sith Lord, instead of the blindly firing Stormtrooper I’ve always previously resembled when I try to play that game online.

My month is gaming has been pretty varied which hasn’t happened in a while for me. I’ve had my fair share of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I introduced all my friends to Windjammers and boy did we have a good time with that.
I also got to check out Untitled Goose Game and I finally understand what the hype is about. Honking away and wreaking havoc is seriously fun when you’re an adorable goose.
Oh! And I got to go down memory lane with some emulation, got to play old Dragon Ball and Naruto games recently and it made me feels all warm and fuzzy inside.

This month I’ve decided to take myself back to 2015, with the PS Plus game for September, Batman: Arkham Knight. I’m not the biggest Batman fanboy (Javier probably takes that title) but I do love the DC universe overall so I was excited to get back into it! I made the decision to finally achieve the Knightfall Protocol ending that comes with capturing all the bad guys in Gotham, including finding and solving all 243 of the Riddler challenges around the city!

This has taken me the entire month but hoo boy did it feel good when I finally shoved Riddler into a cell and got treated to the true ending of the game! Watching the Dark Knight just up and quit after saving his city one more time was the perfect cap to a great month of gaming and I’m sure I’m not the only one hyped now after that sneaky mention of Court of Owls by Comic Writer Scott Synder on WB Montreal’s Batman post!
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