WHAT’S UP GAMERS! You’ve all seen a bunch of our individual games of the year lists so far but now is the time for the DEFINITIVE Game of the year list from Respawning.
In order to do this we held a poll and gave everyone 10 votes each to plaster on their 10 favourite games of the year, dividing these out to come out with the DEFINITIVE list of Respawning’s top 10 games of 2019.
Got it? Let’s go.

Luke – I feel like I am the only person in Respawning who isn’t angry at this game. I never had super high hopes for it to be the best game of this year so unlike with Javier and Joe it didn’t disappoint me. What I actually had was a solid romp of an action RPG sat in Disney Universes and I had a lot of fun with my time on it. I also cannot wait for the Re:Mind DLC in early 2020.
Lance – I haven’t had much/any experience of the Kingdom Heart games. It’s not something that has made much of a blip on my radar. I can totally understand the fandom though. It is Disney after all!
Luke – I haven’t actually played Metro Exodus but I keep meaning to and it being on this list is ensuring that I bump the game up my priority list. I played 2033 but missed out on this one and Last Light so I will go back and play both this over the next couple weeks.
Lance – I really liked this game. I’m a fan of the Metro series and keep meaning to read the books they’re based on. I was especially excited about Exodus because for the first time, I had a PC setup capable of playing it. And it looked glorious!
Chris – The Metro series is always such a joyful experience and, along with S.T.A.L.K.E.R., shows the true potential of Eastern Europe’s indie scene. I only played a little bit of Exodus, but it seemed like a great mix of the familiar, with a greater polish – So it’s no wonder the series is still going strong.
Joe – Ever since I got an early hands on with Metro Exodus in London at the start of the year, I fell in love – Having never played a Metro game previously, Exodus provided a perfect jumping on point for myself, and I’m hoping to check out the rest of the franchise soon just because of Exodus.

Luke – To me, DMCV is the most overrated game on this list and whilst I do in fact think it’s a really great game I just can’t forgive those V sections in the game. It takes all the progress and meat they have added into DMCV and then regresses back to boring, button mashing gameplay. Also these V sections are absolute stinkers on anything above Son of Sparda Mode.
Lance – This one is on my ‘to do’ list. I’ve played other DMC titles and enjoyed them. But unfortunately other games have got in the way of me actually giving this one a go!
Joe – Holy hell this was the game I was waiting for. I loved DMC 3 and 4, and, whilst I’ve never really dabbled much in the super-hard modes, DMC V made me want to change that. I’m also almost tempted to purchase the game on PC as well, just to show my love for this game! 10/10 for myself.

Luke – I hoped this one would make the cut because there is a lot to be said for games that just exist for the simple fun of playing them and Luigi’s Mansion 3 sits in that sphere where I just spend a good half an hour hoovering up ghosts and then I got about my business. Its just so fun.
Lance – I have played a small amount of Luigi’s Mansion. And the part I have played, I loved. Well deserved to be in the list.
Chris – Luigi’s Mansion is such a blast! I love just absolutely destroying the decor of the hotel; the level of destructability, and how this can lead to discovering extra secrets, is pretty neat. The ghost battles themselves are always fun – They never feel boring, or unwelcome.

Luke – Goose Game is the most fun I have had on a game in 2019 and probably my favourite gaming related memory comes from this game. Ill paint you a picture – It was 8am the second day of EGX and Javier wouldn’t get out of bed because we were all hungover. I waited until he was asleep and then I put my Switch next to his ear with the volume turned right up and: HONK. That got him up and us into EGX.
Lance – Ok, I’m gonna say this now. I don’t get it. I’ve played it (only a little) but mostly watched others play it. And I still don’t get the fascination.
Chris – HONK! Man, is it good to be bad – There’s an unexpected joy in playing a mischievous little goose in a sleepy English town. The artstyle and soundtrack give this title an innocent sense of whimsy, and it’s refreshing to just pester people instead of killing them or whatnot. It’s a just, cheeky way to relax, and I’m really happy that a small indie company from my hometown – Melbourne, Australia – managed to make something so beloved around the world.

Luke – I have become OBSESSED with Death Stranding this month and I will be the first to admit I was the biggest hater of this game by a long shot in Respawning. Kojima has fully got his hooks into me and I find myself doing deliveries with every spare moment I have at the moment. The Story, Visuals and tight as hell gameplay have made this one a must have for the PS4.
Lance – I was skeptical about this one, since it’s reveal. And as more and more details were reported all the way up to its release, my skepticism grew and grew. I haven’t played it and from what I’ve seen and been told by those that have, I probably won’t.

Luke – Star Wars Jedi: Shadows Die Twice is a fantastic addition into the SoulsBorne genre and whilst it’s by far the tightest or best game in the genre, throwing a Star Wars skin onto the game definitely propels it a few points. I had so much fun with Fallen Order that I even made the game my 5th ever Platinum Trophy, or 6th… You get the idea.
Lance – I was late to the party on this one. I’m still playing it to completion now. And this is, without doubt my personal GOTY. I don’t really have anything else to say about it. Apart from, buy it, seriously, buy it.

Luke – I played ALL of Outer Worlds in one weekend and whilst I was a bit sad to see it end, I was glad I binged it. I genuinely feel that Outer Worlds is best enjoyed when binged for hours and hours at a time. In face – I wrote about that HERE.
Lance – I have yet to complete Outer Worlds. And for the complete opposite reason to Luke. I want to take my time with this game. It’s not a long campaign and I want it to last. Visually brilliant and just a really good game to sink your teeth into.
Chris – Like Lance, I’ve yet to complete this one – And it’s for the exact same reasons. I feel the need to explore and prod everything I can in a title like this, and it honestly feels like I’m rewarded for doing so. The gameplay, and the strong anti-capitalist message of the title are pretty good.
Luke – This was very nearly number 1 for me but it annoyed me by having a bug on mine which stopped me getting the platinum for a little while. Control is my favourite new story of 2019 and I adored playing with Jess’ powers throughout the game.
Lance – I’ve heard Luke rave about this game A LOT. And I have watched MANY playthrough videos, to see if I could be tempted. I don’t think it’s a game I could get into. I may be totally wrong, but for now, until it appears on a game pass or a + service it’s not something I’ll probably buy.

Luke – EASILY My favourite game of the Year. Resident Evil 2 is one of my all time favourite games and the remake took that game and made it bigger, scarier and just all around better. Easily the best game of 2019 by a country mile.
Lance – Much like the second choice in the list, I’ve heard many arguments in favour of this game. However, and I say this with a somewhat heavy heart, I’m bored of zombies. Everything seems to have zombies in. As a result Resident Evil just doesn’t appeal to me. I understand the fan base, and I may go against everything I’ve just said on the upcoming release of Resident Evil 3. Only time will tell.
Chris – This was my pick for the Game of the Year, so I’m glad many of my colleagues agreed. Resident Evil was always a great franchise, but after 4 it started to lose its way and become too action-y. 7 helped return the series to its routes as a survival-horror experience, and using the same engine to remake Resident Evil 2 was just a brilliant idea. In crisper graphics the claustrophobic environments of Resident Evil 2 really pop, and zombies once again feel like an actual threat in of themselves. This title is a great mix of nostalgia, and modern horror sensibilities, and I would strongly recommend it’s dual-campaign to anyone remotely interested in spookier things.
So there we have it! The Outer Worlds takes bronze, Control gets silver, and Resident Evil 2 is definitively Respawning’s Game of the Year! Let us know your lists and thoughts down in the comments!!
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