Our 2 resident western RPG / Fallout / Elder Scrolls / Dragon Age (and everything else) nuts break down their feeling on Outer Worlds – Are they ready to fly into space or stay firmly grounded?!

The Outer Worlds has had me at 100% hype since the announcement called out Bethesda by calling themselves “The original creators of Fallout”, and I have remained at 100% hype ever since then. Everything I have seen about the game looks to fill that Fallout sized hole I’ve had for years now; it looks like everything I wanted from an RPG on the PS4.

As the trailers came out for the game, I broke my general rule of not watching anything that I am already sold on because I just had to consume everything I could about it, and I was not left wanting. The marketing for this game has been absolutely on point, and had me chuckling the entire time – some of the trailers I even watched like 5 times as well. It’s funny, it’s sci-fi, it’s an RPG, and most of all, it’s everything I want in a game!
So yeah, I’d say I am a little bit hyped but I am annoyed I have to wait at work to play it… Oh hang on… Was that a cough..? I’ll go speak to my boss…

Well… It’s fairly obvious that I went from 0 to 100 near-instantly didn’t I? For some bizarre reason I was not aware of this game until the last few weeks, and now all of a sudden I’m 90% sure I’ll be buying this after work; absolute mania!
All I knew was there was this game from Obsidian coming out – the developers of many great RPGs including Fallout: New Vegas – and it was in space. Now I’ll be honest, the space element did put me off; although I like sci-fi, I tend to not enjoy games set in space… I think it’s the potential endlessness of space and the fact I’d never be able to complete it. Then I saw the reviews were all 4/5, 9/10, etc, and THEN I found out there’s just areas on each planet, not vast expanses of empty rock, but concentrated areas to explore. This got the old man gamer with no free time in me excited.

Since all of this piqued my interest I’ve been looking into it more and more, and I don’t think I can’t not buy it (it’s currently at 85 on OpenCritic). This really seems like my perfect game; I’ve totally not just cancelled my weekend plans!
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