A large chunk of the content to be released during the first year of The Division 2 will be available for free. The free content will include three episodes, as well as several specialisations for players to use.
The three missions – which also include PvE and PvP modes – will take place in the Washington, D.C. area, with players taken on a tour of metropolitan D.C. as well as the Pentagon itself. The episodes will come with an additional specialisation to unlock, and are currently scheduled for release in the Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
There is also more content coming to the title during it’s first year. Players are able to purchase a Year One Season Pass, inclusive of 8 missions, cosmetics, and early-access to the free episodes when they come out. Cosmetics-only lootboxes are also available for players looking to further customise their soldier.
The Division 2 launched on March 15th, for the Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and is available for purchase now. Although players may want to wait a day or two before hopping in; a recent patch bug made ammo for specialisations rarer, and is currently being investigated. A trailer of the content on offer in the title’s first year is available below.