Every day more and more fantastic indie games are coming out – My personal indie platform of choice is the Switch, so all the games in this list are currently available in the Nintendo store… And let’s face it, probably Steam too. Mostly I think because indie games are often well suited to handheld gaming though and that’s how I like to enjoy them. They’re the types of games you pick up on your boring commute to work (If you’re not driving, walking or cycling of course!) or for laying in bed on a lazy day cuddled up in a blanket fort with a cup of tea…
So here are those special games currently on the market right now that I’d love to own! Time to shine some light on these bad boys!

I’ve just acquired Crypt of the Necromancer, but I’ve yet to play it; this little crossover game has created quite the talk, though, and its already very popular… I’ve seen people say it feels just like a standalone zelda game! Of course it falls outside of the already convoluted Zelda timeline, but from what I understand you use the rhythm of music to defeat various enemies. I feel like everyone was waiting with baited breath for this game, and it seems like it hasn’t disappointed anybody! I’m hoping that this means the Zelda franchise and some other first-party Nintendo IP’s will be lent out to indie developers again in the future – Perhaps we could see some new old school-styled Zelda indies! That would be awesome!

I still haven’t picked up this wildly popular indie classic… It has been sitting in my wishlist for months! You play as a child who’s fallen into the magical underworld, and you meet various monsters on your way back to the surface. Some of them may even engage in a fight, but what I find most interesting is you can supposedly finish the game without killing anything. Furthermore your actions decide the storyline! I love it when games have consequences. Things like Bioshock or Life is Strange come to mind as I love them – I want my choices in games to matter in someway. Choices mattering allows the game to challenge the player in an interesting way, and Undertale seems to be the leading example of this at the moment….

I spoke about this in one of my previous articles, “Games to play whilst waiting for Animal Crossing: New Horizons”. It just looks so adorable! From what I can tell its kind of like a kitty-based Stardew Valley with territory runs and romances! You can have little kittens! Who doesn’t love kittens? Honestly it looks like a cat lovers dream!

You play as a little chick called Birb… Adorable! It’s a pixel art game that melds music, puzzles, cute things and secrets in an absolutely adorable looking platformer! I think it uses sound in a different way to Crypt of the Necrodancer and Cadence of Hyrule, but I’m not entirely sure. The description says you can discover different notes as your journey goes on… So perhaps it’s Ocarina of Time-y? And there’s a free demo on Switch, which I always appreciate… And need to check out..!

Okay surely this one is self explanatory right?
You play as a Dad (Surprise surprise), and your soul goal is to date other hot dads! I can’t believe I’ve only just discovered this game. Apparently there are sidequests and minigames and hot dads… What more could you honestly want?! Furthermore, the Switch version comes with the Dadrectors Cut, extra minigames and extra sidequests! I think this is a game that belongs in every gamer’s library! I’ve not even played it and I’m going to go ahead and rate it a 10/10!!
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