Obsessions often get a bad rap. They’re seen as intense, overwhelming, or even unhealthy. But what if we look at them differently? What if they’re not distractions but bursts of joy and curiosity? These temporary fixations can enrich our lives in ways we might not expect. They’re explorations, chances to dive into something new and exciting, often leaving a mark long after they fade.

For me, obsessions come and go like the seasons. Each one brings its own flavour of intensity and discovery. They’re fleeting, yet that’s part of their appeal. They shape how I spend my time, what I learn, and even how I see myself.

In late 2024, I was all about Batman. I immersed myself in his mythology, gadgets, and the gritty streets of Gotham. Now, in January 2025, I’ve turned to zombies. The two seem wildly different, but they both offer storytelling, escapism, and a spark of imagination.

One thing, however, remains constant—my commitment to health and fitness. It’s the steady baseline that keeps me grounded, even as my other fixations shift and evolve.

The Zombie Chapter

It all began with Dead Rising 3. Set in the sprawling city of Los Perdidos, the game throws you into chaotic zombie destruction. What captivated me wasn’t just the premise but the creativity it demanded. The weapon-crafting system was absurdly fun.

Building a flaming sledgehammer-chainsaw hybrid out of scrap? Ridiculous, yet vital. The city itself felt dynamic, teeming with undead hordes and opportunities for exploration. The balance of frantic action, scavenging, and survival kept me hooked.

After finishing that, I immediately jumped into Dead Rising 4. This time, Frank West, the wisecracking journalist-turned-zombie-slayer, took centre stage. The game’s holiday theme was brilliant. Fighting zombies in a snowy shopping mall decked out with Christmas lights was as absurd as it was delightful.

It swapped tension for humour, but I didn’t mind. Tossing explosive presents at the undead or wielding a candy-cane crossbow made up for it.

Revisiting the remastered Dead Rising was next on my list. Exploring the iconic Willamette Mall felt like meeting an old friend. I had dreaded the timer mechanic, but it added urgency and weight to every choice.

Now, I’m knee-deep in Dead Rising 2. Here, duct tape is king. Combining a kayak paddle with chainsaws is both absurd and essential. Chuck Greene’s story adds emotional depth, with his drive to save his infected daughter grounding the chaos.

Zombies Everywhere

This obsession has gone far beyond gaming. I’ve been devouring zombie media as if scavenging supplies. Classic films like Night of the Living Dead remind me of the genre’s roots. Modern hits like Train to Busan show how much it has evolved.

Even The Walking Dead, a series I had abandoned years ago, has drawn me back for a nostalgic rewatch. Its mix of survival, drama, and undead action feels fresh again.

Zombies have also crept into my hobbies. My Death Guard army in Warhammer 40k fits this phase perfectly. Painting these grotesque, plague-ridden figures is slow and meditative. On the tabletop, they’re shambling and relentless, embodying everything I love about zombie tropes.

This fixation has become a thread running through so many parts of my life. It’s not just about consuming media—it’s about finding ways to engage with the theme creatively. Whether it’s smashing zombies in a game or painting miniatures, there’s always something new to discover.

Year-Round Fitness

While my other obsessions ebb and flow, fitness is my constant. It’s my anchor, providing structure no matter how intense my fixations become. Whether I’m running, lifting, or trying a new workout plan, staying active is a daily priority.

There’s even a strange synergy between fitness and my current zombie obsession. Running sometimes feels like training for the apocalypse. Strength training? Let’s just say I’d like to think I’d hold my own in a zombie brawl.

Fitness isn’t just about staying in shape. It’s about balance. When an obsession threatens to take over my time, fitness keeps me grounded. It’s the steady rhythm that prevents everything else from spiralling out of control. It also gives me clarity, helping me focus even when I’m fully immersed in a new interest.

No matter the phase, fitness is the backbone of my routine. It’s the reliable constant that sharpens my body and mind, preparing me for whatever comes next. Be it a new workout challenge or a virtual zombie apocalypse, I’m ready.

Embracing Obsessions

What comes next? Honestly, I have no idea. These phases always appear out of nowhere. One day, I’m minding my own business, and the next, I’m completely consumed by something new. Maybe I’ll dive into classic sci-fi novels. Perhaps I’ll get lost in a new tabletop game or fall in love with another niche genre.

Whatever it is, I’ll welcome it with open arms. That’s the beauty of obsessions—they bring excitement, curiosity, and joy. They remind me that life doesn’t have to be linear or predictable. It’s okay to zigzag, to explore, and to let yourself get lost in something, even if only for a little while.

Obsessions also teach you things about yourself. They show you what excites you, what sparks your curiosity, and what gives you joy. They’re not just indulgences; they’re moments of discovery.

If you’re like me, don’t resist your obsessions. Embrace them. Whether they last for a few days, weeks, or months, they’re worth every second. They add colour to your routine, break up the monotony, and make life a little more vibrant.

So go ahead. Fall into that new interest. Learn everything you can. Build, create, explore. These moments, fleeting as they are, will leave memories that stick with you for years to come.