We’re back with yet another instalment of Respawning’s Let’s Talk series, where every Friday we get every one of our charismatic writers together to discuss a new topic!

As you may have heard, we here at Respawning are counting down the days to this year’s E3… And with only 9 days left until the big event, the clock is ticking down..! So what better way to carry on Respawning’s Big E3 Countdown than getting everyone together to discuss what our dream announcements would be! So shall we crack on with it? Sit back, relax, and Let’s Talk: Our E3 Wishlist!


In honour of our E3 Countdown I have already put pen to paper on what my predictions are for the event but if you have read the article then you already know that it quickly turned into more of a wish list anyway! So if you missed it you can catch up here.

I’ll happily add to that though and go all in on something a bit more out of left field. I personally wish for a God of War sequel to be announced! Yes I know it’s way too soon but this is my wish and if I could have anything it’d be the follow up to my second favourite game of all time (As Last of Us 2 is already giving me one for my favourite). Maybe if I want to keep my feet on the ground I’ll say that I want some God of War DLC instead… A boy (In Kratos’ voice) can dream.


Obviously as Respawning’s Viking I wanted to mention God of War but clearly Mikey got there’s first… It’s like he doesn’t even considers other people’s feelings; what a dick. Anyway besides more of Kratos and son I’d love to see something equally dear to my hear. I’d love a little more information on the upcoming Dragonball RPG, Project Z. So far all we really have is a name and a few leaked details and images but if it’s anything like the old legacy of Goku games you can be sure I’ll be all over it like a Saibaman on Yamcha.

Another great love of mine should be present too, Star Wars Fallen Order should hopefully drop a gameplay trailer! The teaser was enough to get me going but like everyone else I’d love to see how this next adventure in the galaxy far far away plays.


Square-Enix. Everything Square-Enix. It should come as a shock to no one by now that I have a love-hate relationship with the developer/publisher.

While there has already been a lot of information dropped relating to the developers’ flagship MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers, I’m expecting to see the Story Trailer for the latest expansion which is set to launch in Early Access on June 28th; something to get the juices flowing.

I have zero expectations of this happening, but would love to get some news of any FINAL FANTASY spin-off titles or possibly a tease of the next installment in the franchise.

Moving slightly away from FINAL FANTASY, I would relish some more in-depth information regarding the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC. Something to get me to jump back into the popular FINAL FANTASY x Disney crossover.

While it’s been confirmed that we’re going to get more information relating to the developers Marvel title, I’d love a trailer which actually gives us some insight into what the game will actually be! There are a lot of rumors flying around and would just like something substantial to quietly lust over.


So the most significant thing I wish for when the wondrous E3 comes around is more Apex Legends content, especially anything Season 2 and any information regarding new playable legends.

I have spent a considerable amount of my time lately grinding through the current season, and even though it was not as well received as everyone hoped, I still got a lot of pleasure playing it. Respawn have been very vocal about the current Battle Pass and have listened to the community which leads me to believe the next round of content will be well thought out and will keep this fantastic battle royale that came out of nowhere alive.

While I only expect to be teased at the prospect of next-gen consoles by Microsoft and Sony; I would love to hear more. This might come as a shock to those who know me as I’m PC gamer, but the truth is consoles are starting to close the game between platforms.


…So E3 is here once again, to spew another round of Triple A nonsense.

I don’t have many hopes for anything particularly ‘spicy’ being announced, besides of course the obvious coverage of CD Projekt Red’s Cyberpunk 2077. No, I predict a constant string of more live service manipulation simulators from the usual suspects. I hold some small personal hope for some sort of showing of the new Darkest Dungeon game, or perhaps even a squeak of news about a Ghost of a Tale sequel announcement… But, that’s just personal hopes.

EA and Activation’s recent Ill tidings have me silently praying for the final nail to drop; I’m sure plenty of other people out there also wish the same thing to happen. I seriously doubt we’ll hear anything about an Anthem sequel, or any news about Anthem at all – There’s the possibility of news on Apex, but only time will tell. Will we see any good, notable titles being announced this year? Personally I think not. There may be a surprise or two, who knows, but no, I have low expectations and high scepticism for this year’s annual pig trough of lies, false promises, and pre-rendered hype mongering trailers.


I’ve already outlined my top five hopes for E3 2019 (Here), but for the sake of this feature I want to talk about my sixth choice that didn’t make into the main article… It has got to be the rumoured Batman: Court of Owls game! Having thoroughly enjoyed Arkham Knight, more that its predecessors, I can’t wait to see what Bruce Wayne’s (If it is still Bruce Wayne?!) next outing is going to look like.

Special mention also to Assassins Creed’s next title if that is even possible at this point, as Ubisoft have previously confirmed there will not be an Assassin’s Creed title released this year. Yet we can hope…


Animal crossing wallpaper

For me, I’ve been setting my eyes on a few different areas for this year’s E3; for starters, I’m chomping at the bloody bit to see a bit more of Halo: Reach on PC, and to hopefully get a release date; it was recently announced that test flighting will hopefully take place in June, so I’m expecting a possible August release.

Ontop of this, I’m also anticipating more Animal Crossing 2019 news – So far we’ve seen little of this charming life sim that’s hopefully making it’s way to the Switch this year… And considering that New Leaf on the 3DS was the last time we had a proper Animal Crossing experience, I’m truly excited to see the improvements that have been made to bring Animal Crossing to the modern generation.

I’m also doubly excited to see Challenger Pack #2 be announced for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate; whilst Sakurai may have discounted the idea of Goku in Smash, I do feel that we may see an equally iconic character join the roster – Joker from Persona 5 was a more than welcome surprise, so I feel that this time, we may be seeing a more obscure Nintendo character join the ranks… My money’s on Issac from Golden Sun, or Fawful.


So this year is probably the least excited I’ve ever been about E3, this is for 2 reasons. 1) There is no Sony, instead they’ve opted for state of play, which ain’t great. 2) I’m old and I’ve realised that the trailers are immediately available everywhere and they don’t always overly excite me! It is still a great reason for developers to release lots of lovely new footage and details though! However despite saying this I am extremely, extremely, excited to see what Square Enix have in store for earth’s mightiest heroes. I have so many fan boy theories and ideas about what this could be, for example will it tie into Insomniac’s Spidey? Will it be just the core avengers? Will it follow the MCU or a more comic book based route! We don’t know but I am so bloody excited to find out.

I am also in high anticipation to see something concrete for The Last Of Us 2 (despite it apparently being pushed back again), I’ve still not got enough of this before release and am definitely wanting more deets. This also goes for Cyberpunk 2077, I definitely want to see more of this probable master piece.

What else could they have in store though? Maybe a new GTA? Who bloody knows, we will find out soon. I won’t be watching much live though, it’ll most likely be a YouTube video.


This year’s E3 is gonna be pretty weird I’d say. Sony is completely out because they wanna do their State of Play thing while Microsoft is probably gonna go really hard on their conference. I really just want Nintendo to pull through with their stuff since I just want cool new games on the Switch and I don’t think it’ll disappoint. Also Devolvers conference won’t disappoint I know that for sure. But when it comes to games I just hope we see something No More Heroes related as well as some Bayonetta 3 news.


Thoroughly onboard with Joe’s Animal Crossing desires; man, New Leaf was my jam! Really wanting another Animal Crossing experience, and hoping it has Amiibo and Amiibo Card support – would make all the old releases have continued relevance (and I totally don’t have best villager, Kyle, ready and waiting… >_>). Some Smash DLC news would also be nice.

Nintendo aside, I’d really like to see Bethesda show off more of Elder Scrolls 6, and more importantly, address Fallout 76’s continued issues. They’ve lost a lot of good faith on that, and Todd walking onto the stage, admitting their mistakes and providing a roadmap on how they’re going to make that game better would do a great deal to win it back. But I guess we’ll wait and see. At any rate, this years E3 is certain to have something to please pretty much everyone in one way or another! What are you looking forward to, or hoping to see?


I’m most looking forward to the Nintendo Direct. I really want to see the new Animal Crossing and what it has to offer! I hope they give us some info this year – I also am hoping for the differences in Pokemon between Sword and Shield, and to see whether they will release a new Pokeball Plus with this game. I am still hopeful for some sort of news on a new Spiderman and Horizon Zero Dawn 2, but as Sony is not doing E3 this year, I don’t know if these will be announced by the studios or if this is being saved for a Sony event…


Hello – I am excited for everything about E3, It literally is my favourite event of the calendar year… And yes I am married why do you ask?

Joking aside though I have to sit with Colin on this one and say literally everything from Square Enix has me hyped as fuck. I want Avengers more than I want air, and whilst I am on record saying I have an air of trepidation about the game… I am hoping Square deliver…