PQube are proud to announce that they are supporting European tournaments this season with the ‘Road to Revolution 2018′, featuring GUILTY GEAR Xrd REVELATOR 2 and Arc System Works’ newest tag team brawl, BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE.
Get all of the information about the circuit here!
The tour will span four events in four different countries including Viennality (Vienna, Austria), VSFighting (Birmingham, England), Dreamilition Derby V (Munich, Germany) and The Mix-Up (Lyon, France). All events will feature both GUILTY GEAR Xrd REVELATOR 2 and BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE. The winners of each tournament receive exclusive prizes, plus their venue and tournament entry fee waived for Revolution 2018.
The Road to Revolution will celebrate the passion and skill of fans of our Arc System Works fighting games this year through GUILTY GEAR Xrd REVELATOR 2 and BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE. Come and join us as we determine Europe’s number one fighter!
BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE will bring the ultimate collision of universes to PS4 in Europe in Summer, 2018!
Want to help support Respawning and enter what may be this year’s biggest gaming brawl…? Why not preorder BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle through one of our Amazon Affiliates Links?