DOOM VFR is a VR Shooter developed by id Software and was released for PlayStation VR and HTC VIVE through Steam. We have had some hands-on time with the HTC Vive version of the game, let’s delve deeper into the first VR game to reduce Colin to an immovable object on his living room floor.
Set shortly after the demonic invasion on the UAC’s Martian research facility, you are the last known human survivor – until your death. Under a top-secret UAC operational contingency protocol, your consciousness is transferred to an artificial brain matrix. Your designated purpose: restore operational stability and use any means necessary to stop the onslaught of demons.
It wouldn’t be hell without an Altar!While I’ve been in possession of a HTC Vive since they were first released, I haven’t encountered something yet as breathtaking as DOOM and in all honesty, it is something you have to experience yourself.
Visually the game is on par with DOOM which was released during 2016 and to some that might actually be a slight turn off. What really makes Doom VFR outstanding is the depth that the game provides visually; with how VR is utilized here, you get an outstanding sense of depth which really helps immerse you in your environment.
It’s worth mentioning that the screenshots were taken during my playthrough, and these shots really don’t do the game justice.
DOOM VFR meets the expectations set by the franchise as a whole, fast energetic movement. Where other developers would be afraid of motion sickness inducing movement, DOOM has given us fast moving enemies, the ability to dodge and teleportation.
I hope you don’t have a fear of heights!
The main form of movement comes with teleportation, you can teleport around the environment to get yourself into a better position or keep up with a quickly moving enemy. There is another side to teleportation however, whereas other DOOM titles would allow you to perform executions here, you can teleport into a staggered enemy causing them to explode, and restore health. Aside from teleportation, you are able to perform dashes. Pressing a direction on the left touchpad will allow you to dash in that direction regardless if you’re dodging projectiles or kiting an enemy.
Throughout the campaign you are provided with familiar weapons all of which are upgradable, ranging from the trusty Super Shotgun to the BFG; Which is held in your off hand and now shoots tasty grenades.
I was running the game on the highest quality settings and I’ll be honest, visually the game had blown me away. The experience was stable throughout, however, please keep in mind that I am running DOOM VFR with the recommended hardware requirements. I have maintained a steady framerate throughout the majority of my playthrough.
DOOM VFR System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit or later
CPU: Intel Core i5-4590 or AMD FX 8350, or better
HDD: 17 GB HD space
Video: GeForce GTX 1070, or equivalent
OS: Windows 7 64-Bit or later
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
HDD: 17 GB HD space
Video: GeForce GTX 1080, or equivalent
Our Playthrough
If you’re on the fence with DOOM VFR, take some time and check out our playthrough available on our YouTube Channel. You can get a glimpse of the first secret retro level as well as over an hour of the campaign.
Final Thoughts / Opinions
Look at all those teefies… Holy Shit, DOOM VFR.
I would class this as the first major title that I have played that utilises VR and has blown me away and with that being said, this is also the first time I have suffered from motion sickness, while I wasn’t sick I was suffering from dizziness once I removed the equipment; So be warned that it will take some getting used to.
The first moment you become immersed is where you’re actually allowed to move, working your way through the tutorial. You’re taught how to move, use your weapons and throw grenades. Your gun is held in your right hand while your grenades are in your left, holding down the left trigger the pin is removed and you start to hear a ticking; This is also where you first experience that “Oh Shit!” moment, realizing you need to throw it quickly.
The true beauty of VR is when it hits you how much you take for granted in video games, if I continued to hold that grenade it was going to explode, inflicting damage.
While the game begins easy with enemies being your size, they slowly begin to tower over you giving you this frightening sense of scale. The first time you encounter a Cacodemon (A flying demon which is all mouth and teeth) and it attempts to bite into you, I jumped back, flailing, throwing everything I had at it.
The game ranges from 2.5 – 6 hours, depending on if you’re looking to find all of the secrets and collectibles which are on offer. While it is relatively short offering, the game is fun to play as all of the mechanics just work in VR.
If you’re looking for VR title to jump into that is oozing with quality and isn’t watered down then DOOM VFR is going to meet your expectations. It’s worth mentioning that this is my first DOOM title which I’ve experienced and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time, so don’t be put off and dive straight in.