Okay so maybe it’s release was subpar (in the same way that breaking your leg trying to clear a 2-foot fence is considered a subpar performance) but there was definitely something about Anthem. The exo suit shooter was a strange mix of Destiny style pseudo historical lore and over the top third person action, all wrapped up in how fucking awesome the Javelin suits are. However, despite the awesome looking tech and a big old dream by the devs to compete with Destiny, things just never really got off the ground, in fact its fair to say things sunk slowly into the ground and rapidly faded into obscurity, but that wasn’t quite the end.

Over the last year and a half there have been updates from the devs Bioware about the future of the game. Talk of a total rework from the ground up and several tweaks to gameplay. Maybe that would be enough to bring in the fans, but it has all been up in the air for so long its hard to imagine anything really saving the title. It seems like EA are thinking the same now too and today we find out if there is a future for Bioware’s latest offering. The higher ups are gathering to discuss the future direction and that leaves the fate of the mech flying shooter in their grimy money grabbing hands… sorry where did that come from? Oh yeah it came from being bled dry by most EA published games launched since 2007! Sorry… had to get that off my chest.

It seems like it would be a waste of Bioware’s efforts to cancel the project entirely. Though with the recent announcement of the release date of the remastered Mass Effect trilogy it’s clear Bioware is being pulled left and right and working their arses off on assorted projects. Come on though, are the prettier adventures of Commander Shepard really that much more important than the silly flying looter shooter?! Yeah, probably best you don’t answer that stupid question. There are definitely fans out there though, well maybe not fans of the gameplay or story but certainly fans of the idea! Just look at the kit available in this game, its incredible and a fantastic idea that needs the work doing on it, it’s just does the work warrant the cost I suppose. EA are unlikely to see it for the potential fun it could bring and more of the potential losses they could incur.

I know the smart decision is to abandon Anthem as a failed experiment in matching the success of Destiny. However, some of the best decisions are the dumb ones. I’d like to see what Bioware have been working on for so long and if it can really save the game. I know plenty of people (most of which in Respawning) who would gladly give the title another chance, if only just for the satisfaction of flying about the world or in my own case, reigning down lightning upon assorted fools and giant mechs!